Saturday 27 May 2017

The greatest problem we face

The greatest problem that we face in this world is terrorism., which is the result of racialism. Our world has witnessed terrible disasters which are caused by racialism.
So, what is racialism?
It is the belief that some races are better than others or prejudice against of his race.
During the second world war, the suffering of the Jews in the concentration camps due to  the despotic commands made by the dictator 'Adolf Hitler'. Indian who believed in "Unity in Diversity" had to witness the blood shed of terrorism.
Racialism was not born on a sudden. The fight between the tribes during the ancient period and the racialism that existed in the ecclesiastical atmosphere was the contemporary problem of those days. The difference that existed between the whites and blacks was an example of the racialism that prevailed. Racialism existed even before thousands of years. But, still the evidence of discrimination persists throughout our society.
In some countries the society itself frames a system called religion. This can affect the law and order, there by causing communal riots. This is the result of the inter-religion rivalry that is existing in our world. We have many riots and tragedies as examples of inter religion, which perks a hurt in the mind of common people.
The weak section is ruled and exploited by the powerful section. This has become the law of the universe. This began right from the Garden of Eden. Many had to give up. Their life as a result of these exploitation which is the essence of racialism. The caste and religion which was build by human being have to be collapsed. The time was come, but still the evilness of the society prevails.
Many have raised their voice against racialism. There were creative battles to end the racial injustice. Martin Luther King Jr is a great example who was against racialism. He thought for the right of the Negroes. In India there are many prominent personalities who fought against the injustice. People should realize the fact that, God is one and religion is just man-made barrier between human beings. All religion should be united and should be against the injustice in the society. If it is not achieved, there will be more riots and brutal murders.
We are developing day by day, but we have to wipe out the brutal injustice prevailing in the society. It is the duty of each and every one of us. We should try to fight against racialism and build a world of peace and brotherhood.

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