Sunday 21 May 2017

Breastfeeding problems and How to solve them?!

         Breastfeeding is the best and only way to feed your new born baby. It gives protection to both mother and baby. But sometimes breast problems may interfere the process of feeding and here I am listed out some of such difficult situations..

The breast are compound secreting glands which is arranged in lobes, lobules, alveoli and ducts. The acini cells in the alveoli produce milk and lactiferous ducts carrying milk to the nipple. The nipple composed of erectile tissue and which have a sphincter-like action in controlling the flow of milk. Breast problems occur so commonly throughout the feeding period and it is believe to be inevitable.Daily washing is all that is necessary for breast hygiene.Correct attachment of the baby to the breast prevents many breastfeeding problems.

Inverted or flat nipples

Flat or short nipples which draw out well (become prominent or pull out easily) do not affect trouble with breastfeeding. Only inverted or retracted nipples make a connection to the breast strenuous. They should be diagnosed in the antenatal period. These mothers need extra reinforcement to feed their babies. In more difficult cases it may be necessary to initiate lactation by expressing and to delay attempting to attach the baby to the breast until lactation is established and the breasts have become soft and the nipples more protractile.

Sore nipples

A sore nipple is caused by trauma from the baby's mouth and tongue due to wrong attachment of the baby to the breast. A baby who sucks only on the nipple does not get enough milk, so he sucks forcefully resulting in a sore nipple. Recurrent washing with soap and water and pulling the baby off the breast while he is still sucking may also result in sore nipple. Fungal infection( thrush) due to Candida Albicans may cause sore nipple after the first few weeks after delivery.
Remedy consists of correct positioning and affection of the baby to the breast (attach the baby to the areola of the breast while breastfeeding). If the fungal infection (Infection with Candida Albicans), applies medicine (Gentian violet) on the nipple and inside the mouth of the baby. Here both mother and baby need treatment. Apply Lansinoh, Lanolin, or other nipple relief creams prior to feeding the baby. You can also use a nipple shield to protect the nipples.
Expose the nipple to air in between feeds. Do not wash each time before and after feedings. During the first few days of breastfeeding, the length of the feed should be limited to prevent sore nipples.

Breast Engorgement

Milk production boosts up during the second and third day after delivery. the breasts are hard, painful and sometimes flushed.   If feeding is late or occasional or the baby is not well positioned at the breast, the milk accumulates in the alveola. As milk production increases, the amount of milk in the breast exceeds the capacity of the alveola to store it comfortably. Such a breast becomes swollen, hard, warm and painful and is termed as an engorged breast.
Treatment consists of local warm water packs for not more than 15 minutes. It can be prevented by early and frequent breast feeds and correct attachment of the baby to the breast. Paracetamol can be given to the mother to relieve pain. Gently express the milk by hand and frequent breastfeeding to soften the breast and to relieve the discomfort. This helps the mother to correctly handle the baby to the breast. Do not use breast pump because this sucks or pull more fluids to the breast and makes more discomfort.

Breast abscess

If conditions like engorged breast, cracked nipple, blocked duct or mastitis are not treated early, then breast abscess may develop. Pus may be discharged from the nipple.The mother may have high grade fever and pain in the breast.
The mother must be treated with analgesics and antibiotics. The abscess must be incised and drained or simple needle aspiration may be effective. Breast feeding must be continued from the other breast and feeding should start from the affected breast as soon as possible.

 Not enough milk

Mothers often complain that they do not have enough milk. One has to make sure that her perception about the adequacy of milk is true. Only reassurance is needed if the baby is gaining weight and passing adequate amount of urine. Common causes of not enough milk include- not breast feeding frequently, too short or hurried breastfeeds, poor position, breast engorgement's or mastitis
If the baby is not gaining weight adequately, ask mother to feed the baby more frequently and feed especially during night. Make sure that the attachment is proper. Any painful condition in the mother such as sore nipple and mastitis should be taken care of. Back to the messages are especially useful for milk stimulation.
If anybody facing problems with breastfeeding, consult the doctor as soon as possible because breastfeeding is the only way to feed your new born baby. If untreated the condition may worse and interfere the feeding process.

Infective mastitis

The main cause of infection is damage to the epithelium which allows bacteria to enter the underlying tissues. The damage results from incorrect  attachment of the baby to the breast which has caused trauma to the breasts.Antibiotic therapy is the only solution to treat this.

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