Saturday 15 April 2017

ASTRAL PROJECTION experiment by a man

Man Brutally Kills Family Members to Separate Soul from Bodies

              It was a shocking incident and rarest of the rare crime happened in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on the 8th of this April month. A 30 year old son brutally murdered his father, mother, sister and one aged, blind aunt. The bodies of his parents and sister were found completely burnt state. The aunt’s body was found chopped and kept in a plastic bag. He allegedly set the parents and sister dead bodies on fire after pouring petrol. He stayed with the four dead bodies for more than a day planning a variety of ways to dispose them.

                At first, it appeared like an accidental fire. Then three burned bodies were found from the house. When a fourth body was found, cut into pieces and packed into a bag.

            When the killer was arrested by Kerala police, he did not seem worried or enthusiastic by feelings of guilt and did not try to cover his face when news cameras flashed.
While questioning, he was told by police that the alleged  murder was a part of an experiment of ‘black magic’ or ‘evil worship’. It was an experiment to separate the human body from its soul in the field of ‘astral projection’. He wants to see their soul’s leaving their bodies.

           The investigators think that  the accused is a psychic and did the crime as a part of an experiment in the field of astral projection. He was becoming possessed with astral projection while overseas in Australia for his studies.  But the police and psychologists telling that he has some major psychic disorder (bipolar disorder). Here's the killer, in the murder of four family members, was motivated to the dreadful work by his hatred and annoyance as a part of devil worship and black magic.

           This man was an introvert and he spent all the time in his room, developed a tendency to astral projection at the age of fifteen. He learned this magic through the internet.
Astral projection is usually known as out-of-body experience. It is an unscientific spill of esotericism that involves separating one’s soul from its physical shield to create an out-of-body experience.

Astral projection is real?
          In astral projection the aware mind leaves the real body and moves into the astral body to experience. According to them the astral body is connected to the real body through a silver cord same like an umbilical cord. Which ensures that you can always get back into the real body.  However, there is no experience of astral projection till now. The belief that humans is able to disappear their bodies during delusion states is a prehistoric one. Now some people claim that they had out- of -body experience, but I think it may be a nightmare and is due to fear, anxiety, insecurity and emotional trauma. Actually, this is a mental mechanism of the body to cope up with such situations. Do you agree with this?

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