Thursday 13 April 2017

The Importance of preserving Rivers

Pope Francis, the ‘man of peace’ has warned against the hurting water shortage across the world, and says that the calamity could guide to a third world war.

What is the importance of preserving rivers?

The 3rd world war is at our entrance, and it will be about water!  Don’t surprise, it is a true fact. There will be no more water in few years and we have to do something to face this crisis.  Due to growing population and increased demand for water makes more water scarcity in coming future and may leads to a war. So the question is arising in front of me that, how would we survive without drinking water?

Around 70 percent of the earth is surrounded by water and 1 percent only we will get for drinking purpose.
 If the world population is growing like this, the available fresh water sources begin to disappear in nearby future.
According to the 2016 UN statement around 663 million people are not getting enough pure and safe drinking water around the world.

All civilization has its origin in river banks. River plays an important role in the life of people and their civilization. The people who live in the banks of river have atypical life style and their language itself has a difference. The important temples, tourist places and industries are beside rivers.

Rivers are the main sources of fresh water and water is a vital element of all living things. Nobody can survive without water. The use water is for drinking, cooking, washing, agricultural, and for sanitation. But today the condition of the river is so pathetic. Because of the easy availability and rich sources we are not bothered to conserve or preserve our water sources nowadays. The dried rivers on one side and the polluted water on the other side, result in the scarcity of drinking water. These rivers are polluted due to the selfish motives of some industries, agriculture, and sewage and some common people, who are not aware of its consequences. Some people make river as their dust bins. The mangroves on the banks of the rivers are destroyed by man.

If this condition continues we have to face many disastrous problems. Many dreadful diseases and epidemic spread as a result of water pollution. When the chemical quantity in the water increases, the quantity of nitrogen also increases. This will affect the health of all living things including human and which leads to some diseases. The polluted water will destroy living organisms in the river. It affects the ecological balance of the nature.
These conditions will surely affect man’s existence. So we have to find out a remedy for these problems.

-         An awareness campaign should be given to the people for eliminating the waste. The waste from the slaughter house, plastic waste etc should be terminated in a useful way. Depositing waste in river and other public place should be punishable.
-         More dams check dams and reservoirs have to be constructed to preserve water.

-       -   Encourage traditional rain water harvesting (directing rainwater in   to the water sources after filtration) to recharge the underground      water source.
-           -  Ensure pure drinking water for all by reducing the population.
-        - Try all agricultural or recreational irrigation's from recycled    waste water.

          Preserving the river is the duty of every citizen. We cannot achieve perfect health without preserving our water bodies.

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