Monday 3 April 2017

Future Energy Crisis is a Global Threat to Human

Mahatma Gandhi, our father of nation had foreseen the future energy crisis, when he told "there is enough for man's need but not enough for man's greed".

 In future life will come to a standstill without energy and we cannot imagine such a world. Now the scarcity of energy challenges the survival of human being on earth.

 Energy is of different forms and most of the energy forms are inter convertible also. When we over use this valuable energy it is dissipated in to heat energy and light energy which cannot be changed back. There must always be a balance between production and consumption when this vital balance is disturbed energy crisis breaks out. This causes shortage of energy and difficulties with industries and agriculture.

 Due to the fast expansion of industrial revolution demand for energy increases up to a very huge extend and we are suffering from acute energy shortages. Whenever our living standards increasing there is more demand for energy occurs. We depend on fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. for our present energy needs. This policy should be changed.

 Energy demand is increasing gradually due to the increasing population growth all around the world. Due to globalization and high standards of living personal carriers are increased these days. This makes a rapid exhaustion of petroleum due to high consumption. So this is the appropriate time to take pledge to use the renewable energy sources for saving our globe.

 To tackle the present situation of energy crisis we should be in constant touch with the advancement of technology made in every second. New ways of extracting energy without causing much damage to earth are sprouting up. Solar cells, wind energy, tidal energy (renewable energy) are examples of this. The proper utilization of renewable resources instead of non renewable (petroleum, natural gas, coal) must be adopted. The hydrogen fuel cell is another alternative source of energy that cannot only provide needed electricity but can also provide water in this process. This would be a great relief especially during conditions of water shortages that are to be common in coming future.

 But always prevention is better than cure. Therefore sensible use of energy is much more advocated than production of new forms of energy. Cautious use of energy is something every one of us can accomplish. Few simple steps that we can bring in to practice to save energy:

. Switching off unnecessary electrical and electronic equipment's
. Maintenance of equipment's at proper time
. Install energy efficient (in India energy efficiency is ranked by star rating, 5 star rate is considered as most energy efficient) appliances in home and offices.
. Save water
.  Encourage the use of renewable energy
. Use public transport system instead of personal carriers.
. Discourage the use of fossil fuels.

Let us act when we still have a chance, let not out children blame us for not acting when we had a golden chance

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