Sunday 17 August 2014

Pomegranate (Mathalam, Anar)

Pomegranate (Mathalam, Anar)

Due to rise in popularity in recent year’s pomegranate became a ‘royal fruit’ in our society. It is great surprise that the sudden price hike of pomegranate in our local market after the eruption of Dengue Fever.

Pomegranate is a tropical, bushy shrub grows up to a height of 10-15 feet. It bears orange-red bell shaped flowers and red, thick skinned, fruit looks like red apple. Pomegranate trees are planting throughout Asia, Africa and Europe. The fruit is delicious, nutritious and refreshing.  It is one of the healthiest fruit available in earth.

Some believes about pomegranate in religions

   Pomegranate is a symbol of belief in almost all religion. Let us check some of that ancient believes…
It is one of the top ten fruit mentioned in Holy Bible. Christians believe the red seeds of pomegranate fruits, symbolize Jesus Christ’s renaissance from dead.

Ancient Persian’s believed that that the Adam ate a pomegranate fruit (not an apple), which was given by Eve in the Eden Garden.

Hindu’s considered this holy plant and fruit came from heaven and is a high-quality fertility enhancer.

Chinese believes pomegranate will bring good luck.

Burying the dead bodies along with pomegranate fruits offers everlasting life to the person who died, according to Egyptians.

According to Islam, the seeds came from heaven and should eat all the seeds inside the fruits to get good luck.

Health benefits of pomegranate

The bark of the fruit is using as a natural medicine to treat digestive problems like dysentery and diarrhea.

 Pomegranate is rich with powerful antioxidants (polyphenols, punicalagin) which protect the heart by oxidizing the low-density-lipoprotein (LDL, or bad cholesterol). The seeds of this fruit acts like Aspirin pills (natural Aspirin) and this reduces the chances of coagulation (clotting) of blood inside the vessels. The phytochemical content in pomegranate is enabling to reduce blood pressure and protects the heart.

  This higher antioxidant content in this fruit is greater than in green tea and red wine. These rich antioxidants help to delay the aging process also.
The natural content of ‘aromatase’ inhibits the production of estrogen, and thus slows down the progress of cancer.

Daily consumption of one glass pomegranate juice will increase the testosterone production and increases the blood flow to the erectile tissues. This aphrodisiac effect increases the sexual drive (libido) and act as a medicine against erectile dysfunction.  This also improves sexual performance, sperm quality and fertility. Pomegranate juice is a good natural remedy to controls menstrual bleeding. In addition, the rich iron content in this fruit helps to reduce anemia.

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