Wednesday 19 April 2017

biju: biju: ASTRAL PROJECTION experiment by a man

biju: biju: ASTRAL PROJECTION experiment by a man: biju: ASTRAL PROJECTION experiment by a man : Man Brutally Kills Family Members to Separate Soul from Bodies               It was a shoc...

Saturday 15 April 2017

biju: ASTRAL PROJECTION experiment by a man

biju: ASTRAL PROJECTION experiment by a man: Man Brutally Kills Family Members to Separate Soul from Bodies               It was a shocking incident and rarest of the rare crime h...

ASTRAL PROJECTION experiment by a man

Man Brutally Kills Family Members to Separate Soul from Bodies

              It was a shocking incident and rarest of the rare crime happened in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on the 8th of this April month. A 30 year old son brutally murdered his father, mother, sister and one aged, blind aunt. The bodies of his parents and sister were found completely burnt state. The aunt’s body was found chopped and kept in a plastic bag. He allegedly set the parents and sister dead bodies on fire after pouring petrol. He stayed with the four dead bodies for more than a day planning a variety of ways to dispose them.

                At first, it appeared like an accidental fire. Then three burned bodies were found from the house. When a fourth body was found, cut into pieces and packed into a bag.

            When the killer was arrested by Kerala police, he did not seem worried or enthusiastic by feelings of guilt and did not try to cover his face when news cameras flashed.
While questioning, he was told by police that the alleged  murder was a part of an experiment of ‘black magic’ or ‘evil worship’. It was an experiment to separate the human body from its soul in the field of ‘astral projection’. He wants to see their soul’s leaving their bodies.

           The investigators think that  the accused is a psychic and did the crime as a part of an experiment in the field of astral projection. He was becoming possessed with astral projection while overseas in Australia for his studies.  But the police and psychologists telling that he has some major psychic disorder (bipolar disorder). Here's the killer, in the murder of four family members, was motivated to the dreadful work by his hatred and annoyance as a part of devil worship and black magic.

           This man was an introvert and he spent all the time in his room, developed a tendency to astral projection at the age of fifteen. He learned this magic through the internet.
Astral projection is usually known as out-of-body experience. It is an unscientific spill of esotericism that involves separating one’s soul from its physical shield to create an out-of-body experience.

Astral projection is real?
          In astral projection the aware mind leaves the real body and moves into the astral body to experience. According to them the astral body is connected to the real body through a silver cord same like an umbilical cord. Which ensures that you can always get back into the real body.  However, there is no experience of astral projection till now. The belief that humans is able to disappear their bodies during delusion states is a prehistoric one. Now some people claim that they had out- of -body experience, but I think it may be a nightmare and is due to fear, anxiety, insecurity and emotional trauma. Actually, this is a mental mechanism of the body to cope up with such situations. Do you agree with this?

Thursday 13 April 2017

biju: The Importance of preserving Rivers

biju: The Importance of preserving Rivers: Pope Francis, the ‘man of peace’ has warned against the hurting water shortage across the world, and say s that the calamity could guid...

The Importance of preserving Rivers

Pope Francis, the ‘man of peace’ has warned against the hurting water shortage across the world, and says that the calamity could guide to a third world war.

What is the importance of preserving rivers?

The 3rd world war is at our entrance, and it will be about water!  Don’t surprise, it is a true fact. There will be no more water in few years and we have to do something to face this crisis.  Due to growing population and increased demand for water makes more water scarcity in coming future and may leads to a war. So the question is arising in front of me that, how would we survive without drinking water?

Around 70 percent of the earth is surrounded by water and 1 percent only we will get for drinking purpose.
 If the world population is growing like this, the available fresh water sources begin to disappear in nearby future.
According to the 2016 UN statement around 663 million people are not getting enough pure and safe drinking water around the world.

All civilization has its origin in river banks. River plays an important role in the life of people and their civilization. The people who live in the banks of river have atypical life style and their language itself has a difference. The important temples, tourist places and industries are beside rivers.

Rivers are the main sources of fresh water and water is a vital element of all living things. Nobody can survive without water. The use water is for drinking, cooking, washing, agricultural, and for sanitation. But today the condition of the river is so pathetic. Because of the easy availability and rich sources we are not bothered to conserve or preserve our water sources nowadays. The dried rivers on one side and the polluted water on the other side, result in the scarcity of drinking water. These rivers are polluted due to the selfish motives of some industries, agriculture, and sewage and some common people, who are not aware of its consequences. Some people make river as their dust bins. The mangroves on the banks of the rivers are destroyed by man.

If this condition continues we have to face many disastrous problems. Many dreadful diseases and epidemic spread as a result of water pollution. When the chemical quantity in the water increases, the quantity of nitrogen also increases. This will affect the health of all living things including human and which leads to some diseases. The polluted water will destroy living organisms in the river. It affects the ecological balance of the nature.
These conditions will surely affect man’s existence. So we have to find out a remedy for these problems.

-         An awareness campaign should be given to the people for eliminating the waste. The waste from the slaughter house, plastic waste etc should be terminated in a useful way. Depositing waste in river and other public place should be punishable.
-         More dams check dams and reservoirs have to be constructed to preserve water.

-       -   Encourage traditional rain water harvesting (directing rainwater in   to the water sources after filtration) to recharge the underground      water source.
-           -  Ensure pure drinking water for all by reducing the population.
-        - Try all agricultural or recreational irrigation's from recycled    waste water.

          Preserving the river is the duty of every citizen. We cannot achieve perfect health without preserving our water bodies.

Sunday 9 April 2017

Kerala temple festivals - Social and religious combination

India is a land of diversities, festivals and holistic seasonal assembling with full communal contribution. Festivals make a sense of belonging by congregation of individuals, families and communities.

Kerala is a small state at the south end part of India. In the tourist map, Kerala is traced as ‘God’s Own Country’ and has vast number Hindu temples. This land of miscellany is wealthy in heritage and has numerous festival merriment and traditions.

Usually the temple festivals of Kerala are starting at the beginning of summer season (February) and ends at the end of May month.  Kerala’s temple festivals are a unique occasion which shows the characteristic simplicity of Kerala life style. Celebration may be for one day or it last up to ten days in some temples. These festivals are highly structured and colorful in nature. There are traditional belief and legends at the back of these temple festivals.

The main practices during temple festivals are:
-         Donating to temple ( money, gifts, cloths, gold, oil, lamp, bell and other worship article)
-         Feast to the public
-         Full day glorification of God by the devotees
-         Night time drama, dance and music continue till morning
-         Decorating the temple and its surroundings with light, colored flag, banana, palm and coconut leaves and flowers.

      The ‘ARATTU’ (royal hunt) is a traditional parade of the temple God at the closing of the ten day festival. There will be colorful processions and road shows. A decorated elephant goes in front of the procession accompanied by drum and other traditional musical instrument troops. When it enters inside the temple premises, variety of noisy, colorful and sparkling fireworks lights up the dark sky. Fireworks show is an essential element in these festivals.

How we get social integration through these festivals?

Now we are living in a digital world of face book, what sap and other social Medias and our personal life is withdrawn from the surrounding society. Because of these social gathering is very rare in this century especially among youths. Festivals give you some relief from this crucial situation.

Our festivals ensue in integrating the people in community morals and it ties social bonding to achieve harmony, prosperity and social integrity.  Festival season is the ideal time to memorize the wonderful tradition of our society. Also friends and family relationships are improving through the festivals. The focal point of festivals is to construct social link and pleasure.

Monday 3 April 2017

Future Energy Crisis is a Global Threat to Human

Mahatma Gandhi, our father of nation had foreseen the future energy crisis, when he told "there is enough for man's need but not enough for man's greed".

 In future life will come to a standstill without energy and we cannot imagine such a world. Now the scarcity of energy challenges the survival of human being on earth.

 Energy is of different forms and most of the energy forms are inter convertible also. When we over use this valuable energy it is dissipated in to heat energy and light energy which cannot be changed back. There must always be a balance between production and consumption when this vital balance is disturbed energy crisis breaks out. This causes shortage of energy and difficulties with industries and agriculture.

 Due to the fast expansion of industrial revolution demand for energy increases up to a very huge extend and we are suffering from acute energy shortages. Whenever our living standards increasing there is more demand for energy occurs. We depend on fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. for our present energy needs. This policy should be changed.

 Energy demand is increasing gradually due to the increasing population growth all around the world. Due to globalization and high standards of living personal carriers are increased these days. This makes a rapid exhaustion of petroleum due to high consumption. So this is the appropriate time to take pledge to use the renewable energy sources for saving our globe.

 To tackle the present situation of energy crisis we should be in constant touch with the advancement of technology made in every second. New ways of extracting energy without causing much damage to earth are sprouting up. Solar cells, wind energy, tidal energy (renewable energy) are examples of this. The proper utilization of renewable resources instead of non renewable (petroleum, natural gas, coal) must be adopted. The hydrogen fuel cell is another alternative source of energy that cannot only provide needed electricity but can also provide water in this process. This would be a great relief especially during conditions of water shortages that are to be common in coming future.

 But always prevention is better than cure. Therefore sensible use of energy is much more advocated than production of new forms of energy. Cautious use of energy is something every one of us can accomplish. Few simple steps that we can bring in to practice to save energy:

. Switching off unnecessary electrical and electronic equipment's
. Maintenance of equipment's at proper time
. Install energy efficient (in India energy efficiency is ranked by star rating, 5 star rate is considered as most energy efficient) appliances in home and offices.
. Save water
.  Encourage the use of renewable energy
. Use public transport system instead of personal carriers.
. Discourage the use of fossil fuels.

Let us act when we still have a chance, let not out children blame us for not acting when we had a golden chance

Adenium- The Desert Rose- Cultivation guide

Adenium - The Ornamental Plant.
Adenium is usually calling as the desert rose and It is purely an ornamental outdoor plant give beauty to your house garden. Lots of varieties are cultivating and the most common variety is Adenium obesum. Adenium is a genus of ‘dogbane’ family that is Apocynaceae. 

It is a slow growing and long lasting lovely plant.
The long and round edged leaf around the stem and colorful tubular flowers at the top are really marvelous. The varieties of red rose and white flowers seen round the year is a specialty of this plant. The swollen bottle shaped trunk base (Caudex) looks striking and gives attraction to your home garden. Because of this swollen stem base it is also called; elephant foot plant’. It loves bright sunlight and hate over watering.

Even though the birth place of Adenium believes to be in Arabia and Africa now it is widely cultivating in Thailand, Philippines and India.

Adenium plant care is little bit difficult and require some special knowledge about the plant breed you preferred. Enough sunlight is required for the proper healthy growth and improper over watering may kill the plant. If possible keep all the time in an open place with proper natural light and keep away from rain. During winter season you can keep the plant at in door near the window side.

We can plant Adenium as a bonsai in flower pot with good drainage facility and soil mix with adequate plant nutrients. Potting medium is the mixture of compost, soil, river sand and vermin compost.
Seeds are the main propagation medium, but the plants growing from the seeds do not show the features of mother plant. So grafting is an optional method to get true characteristics of parental plant. Some are practicing stem cutting to make new plant but it is very difficult to get rooted without root sprouting plant hormones.

Pruning of stem is necessary as it enhances the generation of new attractive branches. Root pruning and re-potting is needed to maintain it as a swollen bottle shaped bonsai. Take care while pruning because its white sap contain highly poisonous cardiac glycosides and is toxic to heart. Wash hands immediately if the sap comes in to contact with your skin.

Be cautious regarding pests like caterpillars, mealy bugs and spider mites. Sometimes the leaves and flowers are eaten by worms. Simply just take out these worms and affected part from the plant manually.

Sub Cutaneous Injection Techniques

Subcutaneous (hypodermic) Injections (SC)

Subcutaneous injections are the injections giving in to the fat layer (subcutaneous layer) between the skin and muscles.

Sites of giving injections

1. Abdomen – two inches away and around the umbilicus.

2. Thigh – area between knee and hip slightly to the side.

3. Lower Back- imagines a line that run across the back just above the crack between the buttocks. An injection may be given below the waist and above this line, halfway between side and spine.

4. Upper Arm – find the area halfway between the elbow and shoulder at the back of the arm.

Why subcutaneous injections giving?
Because there is little blood flow to fatty tissue and the injected medicine is absorbed slowly.

General instructions
Pinch up fatty tissue always before giving subcutaneous injection.

Place the needle at 90 degree, but for children and thin adult it should be at 45 degree angle.

Intra Muscular Injection Techniques

Intramuscular (IM) Injections
Intramuscular injections are the medicines injected in to the muscles through a hollow needle
Sites of giving intramuscular injection

 1. Deltoid – it is located at the upper and outer aspects of the upper arm. It is a safe injection location. This location is about three fingers (1”-2”) below the shoulder joint.  Or make a ‘V’ shape just below the deltoid muscle and injection should go in the half outer side of the ‘V’ shape. We can inject maximum 2 ml only in this area.

 2. Thigh (Vastus Lateralis muscle)
It is located on the outer lateral aspect of the thigh. Location is one hand width above the knee to one hand width below the groin or hip joint. When injecting lift the Vastus Lateralis muscle away from the bone. Maximum amount to be injected is 2-4ml only. This site is safe for infants and children.

 3. Hip (Ventro-Gluteal) site
The Ventro gluteal site is located between the hip and the head of femur.

How to locate this site?
First place the heel of your hand over the patient’s greater trochanter and feel for the anterior superior iliac spine with your index finger. The middle finger then slides across up to iliac crest and the injection site is at the middle of this.
Place the palm of your hand on the greater trochanter with your thumb pointing towards the patient’s abdomen. Extend your index finger up to the anterior superior iliac spine then spread your other finger back along the iliac crest. Insert the needle in the ‘V’ formed between your index and third fingers.

 4. Buttocks (Dorso Gluteal or Gluteal Maximus muscle)
Divide one buttock in to four quarters and injection should be given in the upper outer quarter.
This site is high risk of hitting sciatic nerve, blood vessel (superior gluteal artery). To avoid this injury divide the upper outer quadrant again in to four equal parts and give injection to the upper outer quarter of that portion.
Thickness of fat in this area is greater than the length of standard needles in fatty patients. This may cause decreased absorption and deposition of medicines under the subcutaneous layer. Later this may be an injection abscess.

Practice a ‘Z-track’ technique, by stretching the skin downwards or sideways at the site before injection. The track is closed when the skin is released, preventing leakage.